Tourism Growth in KSA: A Case Study Exploration

tourism growth

Join us for the inaugural session of the SEISENSE Webinar Series, where we discuss and evaluate Saudi Arabia’s ambitious goal of developing tourism as one of the main pillars of its economy.  Our distinguished guests will present a compelling case study that explores the challenges and opportunities faced by the Kingdom as it endeavors to transform its tourism landscape.

Abstract: The growth of tourism presents a unique challenge in Saudi Arabia, a theocratic country where international tourism is often considered ‘incompatible’ with Islamic values. The lack of recreational opportunities in the country has led to a significant increase in outbound tourism, projected to reach $43 billion by 2025. Compounded by the economic challenges posed by fluctuating oil prices, Saudi Arabia has unveiled Vision 2030—a plan that earmarks $810 billion for tourism development, aiming to boost its contribution to GDP from 3% to 10% by 2030.

Dilemma/Research Questions: As the Kingdom makes unprecedented investments in its tourism sector, relaxes policies on gender segregation, and embraces public musical festivals, a critical question arises: Can Saudi Arabia shed its ultraconservative image to attract non-religious tourists and achieve its strategic goal?


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Limit per submission: 1
14:00 - 14:10 Online


Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Nadeem Akhtar Dr. Nadeem Akhtar
14:10 - 14:50 Online

Case Study Presentation

Navigating Tourism Growth in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammed Ashar Khan Dr. Mohammed Ashar Khan
Dr. Sapna Popli Dr. Sapna Popli
14:50 - 15:00 Online

Q&A Session

Dr. Mohammed Ashar Khan Dr. Mohammed Ashar Khan
Dr. Sapna Popli Dr. Sapna Popli


  • Date : 29/01/2024
  • Time : 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Asia/Riyadh)
  • Venue : online

